The main community service project for MOSAIC 5 was the meal packing event with RISE Against Hunger. Motivated to do something about hunger the students aimed to raise a minimum of $3,000 to be able to prepare 10,000 meals for use where famine exists and/or sent to areas after natural disasters. What happened was extraordinary. Students approached their places of worship as well as family and friends and raised over $6,000. On 3/11/18 over 100 teenagers comprised of MOSAIC students and friends along with 25 adults were able to pack 18,300 meals in just over 2 hours. The enthusiasm, team work, cooperation and comradery can be seen in the photos.
MOSAIC (Mobilizing Our Students for Action to build Interfaith Community) focuses on learning about other faiths, serving the community and enhancing student leadership skills. MOSAIC is now in its fifth year working with 67 students. Eight sessions were scheduled this school year where we visit each other’s house of worship and the teens tell us about their faith, traditions, practices, and holidays. Besides a kick off and closing session, a leadership session was held on compassionate listening. The diversity is encouraging. Students have come from many different traditions including Greek Orthodox, Roman Catholic, Reformed, Episcopal, American Baptist, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, Jain, Atheist, Unitarian Universalist, and Humanist as well as agnostic, atheist, “none” and “undecided.” More information can be found on www.GardenStateMOSAIC.org.
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