BELOW ARE OPPORTUNITIES to join with activists who are helping to bring public attention to the danger of losing the quiet natural surroundings that promote solitude. Care for the Earth is a central aspect of most ethical and religious traditions. Many people experience solitude in nature.

The Solitude of Wilderness

Wilderness, of course, is a special part of the ecology of solitude which is rapidly disappearing from our planetary eco-system.

● The U. S. National Wilderness Act of 1964 mandated the preservation of opportunities for solitude. Here is information about efforts in the Grand Canyon.

● Here is information about the Red Desert Project in Wyoming:

Nearby Places of Solitude

When did you last take a solitary walk in your natural surroundings and hear only bird sounds and the wind, free of human and mechanical noises and lights? Can you see the stars on a clear night without the artificial haze of lights?

It is not a far stretch to consider these intrusions as environmental pollutants like dirty water and air. They clutter and diminish our appreciation of nature and disrupt our sense of inter-relatedness with the natural world. Artificial light and noise affect the health and well-being of humans and animals.

You can “think globally, and act locally” by supporting nearby places of solitude. Solitude and natural wildlife can often be found in nearby places – our neighborhoods, “Green Acres”, open spaces, rivers, seacoasts, ponds, and even in our own homes, backyards and balconies. Small pockets of quiet and nature can often be found in congested areas and be the focus on creative works such as this article written about a nearby creek.

● In parks around the US, such as the Golden Gate Area mentioned in this link, efforts are made to keep parks natural and free from pollution.

● Park planners now consider how to provide solitude when they design neighborhood parks. Become a volunteer to help support and care for neighborhood garden spots.

● Here is an article about Flagstaff, Arizona becoming the nation’s first Dark-Sky City by adapting lights to make the night sky visible.

[Please contact us at about additional efforts to save natural solitude]