- Promotes houses of worship, non-political organizations and individuals to work together to honor and enrich diverse faiths and ethical practices.
- Opposes intolerance and hate.
- Fosters a climate of positive mutual acceptance and appreciation for all, regardless of their faith, race, or sexual orientation
NJ Interfaith Coalition Strongly Condemns the Murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis Police
For Immediate Release – May 30, 2020
While the struggle of African-Americans for equality has continued for centuries, the unjust and inhumane murder of George Floyd underscores the urgency to address the deeply rooted racism that is still endemic in American society, especially towards people of color and, in particular, towards African-Americans.
Members of the NJ Interfaith Coalition (NJIFC), comprised of faith organizations throughout New Jersey, strongly condemn the unconscionable actions of Minneapolis police officers during their arrest of George Floyd resulting in the death.
We send our deepest condolences to the family of George Floyd. In this time of grief, we stand with our brothers and sisters in the African-American community who have suffered the most from systemic racism at the hands of police.
We urge all faith and civic leaders to unite and speak out against racism and bigotry. We urge all law enforcement agencies to implement additional training to eliminate bias amongst their ranks against minorities and to commit to rout out racism against black and brown communities, and against people of all faiths and orientations.
We invite all mosques, churches, synagogues, temples and other faith-based organizations to join us to work together for a world free of racism, hate and bigotry by supporting the following Pledge to Stand Up for the Other:
While interacting with members of my own faith, or ethnic, or gender community, or with others, if I hear hateful comments from anyone about members of any other community, I pledge to stand up for the other and speak up to challenge bigotry in any form.
The list of organizations supporting this statement is available upon request and can be accessed at www.NJIFC.org. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to any of the following contacts.
From the NJIFC Team & Friends:
Dr. M. Ali Chaudry, Islamic Society of Basking Ridge, 908-672-1798, machaudry@gmail.com
Dr. Alex Kharazi, Masjid-e-Ali, 732-735-3371, alexk08873@yahoo.com
Rabbi Marc Kline, Monmouth ReformTemple,732-575-2088, rabbimarc@monmouthreformtemple.org
Joe Ritacco, Monmouth Center for World Religions and Ethical Thought, 732-804-2919, jritacco@comcast.net
Imam Wahy-ud Deen Shareef, Masjid Waarithuddeen, 973-418-6898, wdeenshareef@gmail.com
Jimmy Small Salam, 973-580-4798, Muslim League of Voters, servoa@comcast.net
Abu Bakr, Al Falah Center, 973-568-0627, axb2469@yahoo.com
Imam Mustafa Amin, Masjid Ibrahim, Newark, melamin43@aol.com
Nadeem “Nick” Saleem, American Muslims for Democracy, 732-604-1089,
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